Mestre/a de Inglés
- Organismo: Xunta de Galicia
- Prazas: 65 prazas
- Convocatoria: Convocatoria Orde 31/01/2024 Publicada no DOG 32 de 14/02/2024
- Sistema selectivo: Concurso · Oposición
Coñece as ventaxes da preparación con Nós Oposicións:
- Clases en horario intensivo (sesións de 4 horas 1 vez á semana).
- Supostos prácticos: Traballo continuado dos diferentes tipos de suposto con resolución dos mesmos.
- Temas: Explicación do total do temario. Temario elaborado e revisado polos nosos docentes.
- Programación e Unidades didácticas.
- Exames periódicos e defensas e exposicións na aula. Realización de simulacro.
- Aula Virtual: para que poidas seguir as clases en directo dende calquera lugar e onde contarás con material adicional de apoio.
- Sesións gravadas: as nosas clases estarán dispoñibles na nosa aula virtual para a súa posterior visualización.
- Posibilidade de preparación de todas as probas totalmente online.
Formulario de Información
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Teléfonos de contacto
Nós A Coruña · 981 927 420
Nós A Fábrica · 881 993 969
Nós Santiago de C. · 981 938 727
Nós Lugo · 982 815 466
Nós Vigo · 986 139 344
Consulta as titulacións afíns a cada especialidade na Orde do 2 de outubro de 2023
Fase de Concurso
- A fase concurso consta dos méritos que achegue o aspirante. Os méritos que se valoran son: formación académica, experiencia docente previa e outros méritos. Ten un peso de 1/3.
Fase de Oposición
- Consta de dúas partes e cada parte ten dúas probas.
- Proba práctica: Propoñerase un exercicio práctico relacionado coas temáticas da especialidade.
- Proba de desenvolvemento teórico do tema: Esta parte consistirá no desenvolvemento por escrito dun tema elixido polo aspirante.
- Presentación e defensa ante o tribunal dunha programación didáctica.
- Preparación e exposición oral dunha unidade didáctica.
- Topic 1 – Language as communication: oral and written language. Features defining a communicative situation: sender, receiver, functions and context.
- Topic 2 – Communication in the foreign language classroom: verbal and non-verbal communication. Extra-linguistics strategies: non-verbal reactions to messages in different contexts.
- Topic 3 – Development of the linguistic skills: oral expression and comprehension, written expression and comprehension. The communicative competence in English.
- Topic 4 – Valuation of the knowledge of foreign languages as an instrument of communication among people and countries. Interest in language diversity by getting to know a new language and its culture.
- Topic 5 – Geographic, historic and cultural framework of the English speaking countries. Didactic application of geographic, historic and cultural aspects.
- Topic 6 – Contribution of Linguistics to foreign language teaching. The process of linguistic: similarities and differences between first and foreign language acquisition.
- Topic 7 – The oral foreign language. The complexity of understanding the global meaning in oral interaction: From listening to active and selective listening. The taking of word: From imitative reproduction to autonomous production.
- Topic 8 – The written language. Approximation, maturity and mastering of the reading-writing process. The reading comprehension: techniques of global and specific comprehension of texts. The written expression: interpretation of the production of texts.
- Topic 9 – Description of the phonological system of the English language. Learning models and techniques. Perception, discrimination and emission of sounds, intonation, rhythm and stress. Phonetic correction.
- Topic 10 – The English language orthography codes. Sound-spelling correspondences. Didactic proposals for the teaching of written codes. Spelling in writing activities.
- Topic 11 – Lexical and semantic field in the English language. Lexicon necessary for socialization, information and attitude expression. Activities related to the teaching and learning of lexicon in the foreign language class.
- Topic 12 – Essential elements of the English language morphosyntax. Elementary communicative structures. Progressive use of grammatical categories in oral and written production.
- Topic 13 – History of the evolution of the didactic of foreign languages: from Grammar-Translation Methods to Present-day trends.
- Topic 14 – Methods and techniques focused on the acquisition of communicative competence. Specific methodological fundaments of English language teaching
- Topic 15 – Periods, authors and literary genres more suitable for applying in the English Didactic lessons. Types of texts.
- Topic 16 – Children’s literature in English language. Techniques for applying it and access to the oral comprehension. Boost reading habits and poetic sensibility of language.
- Topic 17 – The song as poetic vehicle and literary creation in the English class. Types of songs. Technical use of songs for the phonetic, lexical and cultural learning.
- Topic 18 – The song as poetic vehicle and literary creation in the English class. Types of songs. Technical use of songs for the phonetic, lexical and cultural learning.
- Topic 19 – Animation techniques and expression as a resource for learning foreign languages. Dramatizing situations of everyday life and representation of stories, characters, jokes, etc. Working in groups for creative activities. Role of the teacher.
- Topic 20 – The Foreign Language Area in the curricula. Criteria to be included in the School Educative Project and in the Curricular School Project.
- Topic 21 – Programming area of foreign languages: Programming units. Criteria for the sequence and timing of content and objectives. Selecting the methodology to be used in the learning activities and evaluation.
- Topic 22 – Variables to consider when organizing the English language class: Grouping students, distribution of space and time, selection of methodologies, teacher’s role, etc.
- Topic 23 – The development of curriculum materials for English class. Criteria for the selection and use of coursebooks. Authentic and adapted documents: Limitations of use. The collaboration of students in the design of materials.
- Topic 24 – Technological and educational aspects of the use of audiovisual materials (newspaper, television, cassette, video, etc.). The computer as an auxiliary resource for learning and improving foreign languages.
- Topic 25 – The learner-centred teaching learning process in the foreign language: fundamentals and applications. Identification of motivation and attitudes towards the English language. Practical applications.